Roadway Markings | Downtown Area & W. 10th St., Winchester Rd. & W. 10th St., & Thompson Blvd.
Roadway Markings: Downtown Area from Midnight to 6:00 A.M., Wed., Sept. 15, 2021 and The Intersections at W. 10th St. and Winchester Rd. and W. 10th St. and Thompson Blvd. From Midnight to 6:00 A.M., Thurs., Sept. 16, 2021
The City’s Public Works Department will be remarking downtown curbing and stop lines beginning at midnight and continuing through 6:00 a.m. on Wed., Sept. 15, 2021 On Thurs., Sept. 16, 2021, from midnight to 6:00 a.m., the Public Works Department will be repainting the stop lines and other roadway markings at the intersections of W. 10th St. and Winchester Road and W. 10th St. and Thompson Blvd.
While these roadways will not be closed, there will be lane restrictions as workers and equipment will be in the roadway repainting these markings. Travelers should expect traffic safety control devices, such as cones and barricades, as well as advance signage related to the work in these areas. Travelers may want to consider alternate routes during these time periods as there may be periodic delays due to equipment and workers in the roadway.
This work is weather and equipment dependent and as such may be affected by inclement weather or equipment breakdowns.