About Us

Sedalia Main Streets is proud to have officially become one of the first city-led main street organizations in Missouri in January 2023! While our Sedalia Main Street board consists of twelve members, by utilizing the National Trust Main Street Center Four-Point Approach,™ we have developed the four committees of Design, Economic Vitality, Organization and Promotion. These committees are all community volunteers with the love and interest in investing in our downtown.

Mission Statement

Sedalia Main Streets is a community driven  organization that utilizes the Main Street Approach™ to revitalize and promote Downtown Sedalia's economic vitality while preserving our cultural and historic resources.

Vision Statement

Sedalia Main Streets  envisions Downtown Sedalia to be a vital part of commerce for Sedalia and the mid-Missouri region by creating a welcoming environment for increased business investment and building revitalization.


As Missouri Main Street Affiliate program, Sedalia Main Streets is a recognized, leading program among the state network of more than 48 districts and community who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development.

As a Main Street America Affiliate™, Sedalia Main Streets is part of a national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development.

On Tuesday, January 23, 2024, Sedalia Main Streets joined several other Missouri communities and representatives from Missouri Main Street Connection, Inc. to celebrate the #PowerofMainStreet!

Pictured left to right: Tom Oldham, City of Sedalia and Sedalia Main Streets; Amanda Johnson, Clinton Main Street; Russ Volmert, Missouri Main Street Connection; Representative Brad Pollitt; Senator Sandy Crawford; Representative Rodger Reedy; Joleigh Cornine, Sedalia Main Streets; Keith Winge, Missouri Main Street Connection and Lucas Richardson, Sedalia Main Streets.

Please see the enclosed press release from Missouri Main Street Connection, Inc. https://www.sedalia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024-Capitol-Day-Press-Release.pdf

Sedalia Main Streets Quarterly Newsletter

Downtown Connect!

Join the Sedalia Main Streets board and committees as we celebrate the 2024 holiday season with our holiday networking event at the Historic Sedalia Katy Depot! Come for refreshments, stay for the excellent company of fellow downtown business and building owners. Be sure to bring your business cards to share plus enter our gift basket drawing.