Sedalia Historic Preservation Commission

Mission Statement

The mission of the Sedalia Historic Preservation Commission is to preserve and protect those structures, buildings and improvements which reflect significant elements of the City of Sedalia’s cultural, artistic, engineering, historic or other heritage.

Authorizing Ordinance:
10350 (August 3, 2015)
Term of Office:
Three Years
As called

Short Term Goals

The SHPC shall work to complete the following goals within the next year:

  1. Complete items required in order for the City of Sedalia to request certification as a Certified Local Government (CLG) under the Missouri State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO);
  2. Monitor and report on the completion of the ongoing amendments to the Sedalia National Commercial Historic District;
  3. Coordinate with Sedalia Downtown Development, Inc. (SDDI) and the Central Business and Cultural District (CBCD) to provide programs, activities or events for education of the general public on the importance of historic preservation during the month of May 2017 as Preservation Month;
  4. Start a collection of preservation materials for placement in the Sedalia Public Library and Boonslick Regional Library;
  5. Review the City ordinance placing a temporary moratorium on the permitting of structures located on Ohio Avenue from Main to Broadway for demolition and make recommendations to Council for the permitting and review process for demolition of properties with historic districts.

Long Term Goals

The SHPC shall include the following as goals to be achieved in the 5-year period.

  1. Secure at least one statewide or regional historic preservation conference to be held in Sedalia;
  2. Seek funding for completion of a new inventory of all local historic properties;
  3. Develop design guidelines for commercial and residential historic districts;
  4. Obtain public support for the establishment of new residential historic districts;
  5. Coordinate with SDDI, CBCD, the Pettis County Historical Society and other community bodies and organization to present annual educational programs and seminars to promote historic renovation of local residential and commercial properties;
  6. Move towards developing a program to identify and preserve/protect local cultural heritage elements and determine if a means of public display of such items can be accomplished.

Historic Preservation Plan

Formed in 2016, a five-person commission working with the City has developed a plan to preserve and maintain sites and structures as visible reminders of the City’s social and architectural history.

Byron Matson
705 West 6th St.
Term Expires: 7/2025

Becky Imhauser
1705 Hedge Apple Dr.
(660) 619-6861
Term Expires: 7/2027

William Messerli
201 West 10th St.
(660) 620-4525
Term Expires: 7/2026

John Simmons
2306 First Street Ter.
(660) 827-3000
Term Expires: 7/2027

Charles Wise
1900 Libery Park Blvd.
(660) 221-6133
Term Expires: 7/2026